学习この友🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑: sem 2 : Diploma Civil Engineering In Politeknik Explanation


sem 2 : Diploma Civil Engineering In Politeknik Explanation

 sem 2 : Diploma Civil Engineering  In Politeknik Explanation 


This semester, the moderator takes 7 subjects, 3 of which are related to more mathematical knowledge, one of which is teori/theory (NEED TO READ), and the other is lab work. 16 credit hours in total.

【3 credit hours】

Chapter 1: We will learn indices &logarithm
Chapter 2: We will learn the lesson of differentiation dy/dx, you can preview the content of this lesson I teach(  https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyk84HHWEe6LWXXqhITBi1nt9qpgeMxUM )
Chapter 3: We will learn the lesson of integration. This lesson needs to be studied carefully because this lesson will indirectly learn the formula of the macaulay method in the last lesson of mechanics structure.

PASS YEAR PAPER:(MATH 2 FINAL PAPER 2011-2019 Clickable!

Summary: The first, second and third chapter are based on our advanced mathematics in SPM. For specific teaching, you can find spm's add math information, youtube video and stpm's youtube math t video

【2 credit hours】

This subject can only be chosen to be back and back. It was originally a sem1 subject, and there was no choice hahaha, it is a full tuori class. In addition to the back but also to draw!
In the first chapter we have learned cements with different properties such as:
Rapid hardening Portland cement
blast burned portland cement
ordinary portland cement (cement we usually use)
low heat portland cement
sulfphane resisting portland cement
(Note: portland cement is the brand name)

In addition to this, we have learned wasage

In chapter  2 we learned the process of preparing concrete
In chapter  3 Learn about the importance of reinforced concrete
(Drawing) In chapter  4 Learn how to cut the reinforcement bar, choose the bar, and how assemble the bar 
(Drawing)In chapter  5 learn about wood/timber types, hardness, several ways to dry wood, the process, the damage caused by the drying process (requires painting), the process of making furniture/utensils (painting, smoothing )
(Drawing) In chapter  6 Learn about types of bricks 
In chapter  7 Learn about STEEL &NON-STEEL MATERIALS , paint
(Drawing) In chapter  8 The objects in the building are learned. For example: roof ROOF, staircase stairs (4 types), window (4 types), door. Everything has its type, then we need to remember his name, how to draw, explain, benefits
In the In chapter  9 and final lesson, we will learn the final steps of finishing the building. There are ceiling, floor, wall, roof.

Information specially prepared by the moderator:( liang's information lazy bag )

Reminder: Undergraduate, like biology, has many terms to remember. Seeing a lot of (painting) characters means that you have to draw and almost feel that this is a painting subject. The last two lessons are a bit about the fourth subject, I'm selling it, you remember to look down!

【2 credit hours】

1)PLUMBING LAB WORK  【Everyone needs to do it】
There are about 3-4 people in each group. This lab work can learn how to cut/cut ordinary PVC pipe (gray ordinary water pipe), and use a machine to cut GI paip (silver copper water pipe). Generally, it is not easy to be urged in the place where the water head is used. In this cutting process, there are several steps and different usages. The video will be posted later. In addition to cutting GI & PVC PAIP, the second part of our lab work is to sketch the structure first and then assemble and assemble the pipe system of the toilet, which needs to pass through the shower, faucet, toilet, and wash basin.

final result

Bagaimana cara memotong benang pada paip? Alat pemotongan, pilihan memotong  manual, pilih mesin threading dan skru mati
Machine for cutting GI PAIP

【3 credit hours】
Should I choose mechanical or civil engineering? - Quora

In this subject, except for the first lesson, which is about building structure, the other five lessons are 3/4 calculation, and the calculation part will be more interesting. This whole subject revolves around calculating beam.
The 1️⃣chapter: about building structures, truss, roof, column, slab, floor, foundation [these are about the next subject], and then we will introduce the support types of our beam (roller, pinned, fixed support) and their reactions .
The3️⃣chapter:  When it comes to 90-degree streets or forces causing a bar (round, square, rectangular, and L/T/H types are all beams), you will learn 5 formulas in this lesson. Yes, come on. The first, we call direct stress=load/area (related to stress calculations); the second, we call direct strain=change in lenght/original length (related to scaling calculations); the third, we call modulues Young or modulus of elasticity =direct stress/direct strain (with those looking at the graph). Others will be explained on another page. {because this is the class taught by the 2nd teacher first}
The 2️⃣chapter:  In this lesson, you will need to draw simplified diagrams and graphs. In this lesson, you will learn 3 types of load (direct load, uniformly distribution load and moment); 5 types of beam. Simplified: This lesson will count 3 reactions (moment, y-axis and x-axis) and shear force +bending moment and draw their diagrams.
The 4️⃣chapter: This lesson is bending stress in a beam, bending and tension. There are graphs below.

The 5️⃣chapter: This lesson is shear stress (transverse and vertical force). . . . .
The 6️⃣chapter: The steps in this lesson are the longest in all the lessons and involve Lesson 2, Lesson 4 and the integration of mathematics. There are two ways to calculate the beam's reflection (y) and slope (dy/dx). Method 1 Macaulay 's mehtod , method moment area method The answers calculated by the two methods are the same. The first one is more fun, hahaha.

A small reminder: this subject lecturer often fails and needs to be retaken. Because this subject is the basis of SEM 4's DCC40163: THEORY OF STRUCTURE. You must pass sem2 to take this subject at sem4. Finally, there are quite a few formulas in this subject that are related.

More reference videos:

This subject will be divided into two parts, the first part is contract/contract (chapter1-4); the second part is estimating (estimating).A little knowledge about ibs of sem 3 (sem 3  Explanation  will coming soon)

PART 1: The first part (1-4) [must read&remember]
Chapter 1️⃣ : About several processes of learning engineering, learning engineering institutions (CIDB, ​​JKA), becoming the capacity of a contractor of a certain grade, working on several teams (there are many workers in each team), and learning industry contractor

Aragged related:( HOW MANY YOU KNOW CIVIL ENGINEERING? ) Clickable!

Chapter 2️⃣: tender bidding, and then learn that there are 5 types of tenderers in Malaysia (nagotiated, two-stage selective, single-stage, limeted, open tendering), and then you will learn about their documents (3 types), and then not only understand Tender defination and importance should also understand the tender process (10)

Chapter 3️⃣: About contract contracts. Names of both parties, process, etc.

Chapter 4️⃣has come to the decree hahaha (100, 200+ pages) for reference>>
( http://kontrak.water.gov.my/division/qs/documenstd/PWD%202010/203_1_2010.pdf  )(latest 2010 version) Clickable!

PART 2: The second part (5-11) [calculated]
Chapter 1 will use 3 methods (floor area method, cube method and unit valuetion method)
Chapter 2 Calculate the rate of mix concrete and excavation
Chapter 3 Count cut and fill volume (with tringle and square)
Chapter 4 Calculate the pile work using BOQ paper
Chapter 5 is also the most difficult and the most, and there are also many sub-structure work of drawing
Chapter 6 is super-structure work
The last lesson is finishes work (internal & external work)

* Lessons 4, 5, 6, and 7 all use BOQ PAPER and books*

playlist contract uthm

A small summary: This subject is based on the Quantity Surveyor (QS).

【2 credit hours】

Just like our SPM MORAL, learn about race knowledge, Tu ethnic customs, customs, New Year celebrations, taboos (not Girl from Nowhere hahaha). There is no test, quiz, assignment in this subject, but there are perbincangan, e-folio, two presentations, and a final presentation.

Summary: This subject is similar to moral, and the teacher is also very good, so every time I finish teaching, I leave school early (1 hour class, and it will be over in 30 minutes), and then I need to answer some discussion questions for another 30 minutes. can learn some knowledge

【1 credit hours】

This sport is LAWAN BOWLS/ Boling padang (each POLI has a different sport item) , this subject has a test, study case, mini project (find its history, perkembangan, characters) a group of two people completes it together except for the test. Because this semester is in a severe state of covid, the actual exercise of this subject cannot be realized and it has become a game (use the mobile app to complete the goal to score the teacher)

The app is called "Lawn Bowls". Only Android users can download

This second sem will be twice as difficult and busy as sem 1, because the group owner is taking care of about 5 groups at the same time and I also work hard to promote Chinese. There are pros and cons, sem2 has drawing, arithmetic, writing, memorization, practice is very fun and hard, but I believe that as long as you can continue to work hard, you can succeed. This article is longer and more obstructive than the previous one, but it is finally completed, and I will come in and modify it to bring a better explanation. Finally, I hope that this time the GPA can reach 3.75 or more.


In the end, it reached about 3.75 . I hope I can continue to improve and share happiness with you! !

⏱⏱Latest update: 12/2/2022 (Saturday) ⏱⏱






       分享 处 今天我来分享我的 diploma civil engineering(DKA) 学习经验与一些经历 我在这个学期里有拿的科目有 8 科 +1 co-curriculum (共 19   credit hours/19 积分)如图: 注明: 第一与第二科目...