学习この友🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑: sem2


Chapter 1 :Macroeconomic

 Macroeconomic Chapter 1都学些什么呢?

✅The concept of macroeconomics
    ✅Define macroeconomics
    ✅Compare between Macroeconomics and Microeconomics
    ✅The macroeconomics goals
    ✅The Problem of macroeconomics goals

✅Aggregate demand and aggregate supply
    ✅define aggregate demand and aggregate supply
    ✅aggregate demand and aggregate supply curve
    ✅factors that shift AD curve and AS curve

✅4th Industrial Revolution 
    ✅The influence of 4 Industrial Revolution 
        ✅The growth of Gig Economy and Digital Economy

✅The concept of macroeconomics

一开始肯定少不了define macroeconomics

Macroeconomics是学country‘s economic activities。例如,problem of inflation, level of unemployment,balance of payment等 

Compare between macroeconomics and microeconomics


Macroeconomic goals

1.Achieving Full Employment
    🔎少于6%的失业率就代表达到full employment

2.Maintaining Price Stability
    🔎没有price fluctuation
    🔎general price increase会导致inflaction
    🔎general price decrease会导致deflaction

3.Sustainable Good Economic Growth

4.Fair Equitable Distribution of income

5.Competitive International Trade

6. Satisfactory Equilibrium in Balance of Payments
    🔎import>export 亏
    🔎import<export 赚

The problem of Macroeconomics Goals无法同时达到两个macro goal

1.To achieve full employment and maintain price stability
    🔎政府为了减少失业率,减少tax税,增加津贴。 当政府给予津贴后,市场上就需要很多人手,随之失业率会减少。当失业率减少后,达到了full employment,人民的经济能力就会提高,这会导致demand增加,人民开始疯狂购物,故此general price就也会增加,导致inflation。Inflation发生后,消费者的消费能力就下降,接而导致investment下降,失业率又增加。 

2.To achieve economic growth and maintain price stability
    🔎为了达到economic growth,政府必须要鼓励investment。怎样鼓励investment?减少interest rate,那么investment level就会增加。Investment增加会导致就业机会增加,国家生产力也会增加。就业机会增加,那么消费能力就会增加,general价格就会增加(inflation),那么就达不到price stability了。为了让general price stable,政府就必须调高interest rate,减少investment,就业机会减少,人民消费能力减少,那么economic growth就无法达到。

3.To achieve economic growth and equilibrium in balance of payment
    🔎当我们的经济成长速度过高,人民就会增加消费奢侈品。当人民收入增加,自然而然会购买更多import的货多过local的货,会造成 import>export,就导致deficit in the balance of payment。政府只能减少economic growth来减少人民不断购买进口货


Perkongsian DAT SEM 2

 Perkongsian DAT SEM 2

DAT=DIPLOMA Akauntasi 



3)MACROECONOMICS                               [3 CREDIT HOURS]


5)BUSINESS LAW                                            [3 CREDIT HOURS]

6)FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 2                     [3 CREDIT HOURS]

Kata pengdahuluan: Subjek Sem 2 mempunyai 6 subjek dengan jumlah 17  jam kredit (17 credit hours )

✔️Serupa dengan P.moral, hanya pelajar bukan Islam sahaja yang perlu mengambil subjek ini, tiada muktamad

✔️no final
✔️quiz ,test,presentiation
✔️persediaan bagi muet

✔️Hampir sama dengan microeco sem 1. Tetapi ini adalah untuk mempelajari ekonomi negara, seperti bagaimana negara bertindak balas dan mengawal inflasi

nota:( klik saya untuk tengok )《boleh tekan
pass year:coming soon

✔️Terutama belajar POLC (merancang, mengatur, memimpin, mengawal) untuk belajar cara mengurus secara berkesan & cara mengurus sumber manusia

nota:( klik saya untuk tengok) 《boleh tekan
pass year:coming soon

✔️Terutamanya mempelajari undang-undang kontrak, dan dalam keadaan apa kontrak itu sah/tidak sah, dan dalam keadaan apakah peniaga dan pelanggan tidak bersalah. Undang-undang yang digunakan ialah akta kontrak rujuk 1950, yang boleh dimuat turun dari google.

✔️Bagi saya, subjek ni memang tak susah, asalkan faham, selalunya cuma perlu hafal bahagian mana peraturan ini dan bahagian ini untuk kes apa.

✔️Undang-undang ini adalah perniagaan, dan sem 3 adalah UNDANG-UNDANG SYARIKAT. Kedua-dua undang-undang mempunyai peperiksaan akhir [dari senior]

nota&pass year:coming soon

✔️Sem 1 nak belajar FA 1 yang macam sekolah menengah, sem 2 akan ada beberapa perkara yang agak baru, dan akan ada 2 bab yang teori, tapi jangan risau, kedua-dua bab itu sangat pendek, dan selepas itu. pemahaman akan ingat.

Disediakan oleh: Li  & Wen


HI,saya liang, saya dari PMK.

Minta mesej dan sumbangan dari warga emas / warga emas dan pelajar POLI lain di seluruh negara. Moderator akan memperkukuhkan kelengkapan dan penyelesaian ARTIKLE INI.

⏱⏱Masa kemas kini terkini: 25/2/2022 (Jumaat)⏱⏱

tengok balik :
sem 1 dat: ( klik saya )

Polytechnics DAT course program:



http://heyyatashiya2212.blogspot.com/2015/10/diploma-akauntansi-politeknik-port.html (POLI port dickson)


HEP /UNIT /SUKAN /KOKO 什么来的? 来你们一起去认识unit /jabatan



Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti (JPPKK)

这个好像我们中学的类似KPM这样(教育部的)但是POLITEKNIK &KOLEJ KOMUNITI 是有自己的部门。这个部门很重要,因为他是我们出takwin时间 (上课时间:PART 5 )的人来的,关于kolej komuniti 进politeknik 或进UNIVERSITI 的事件。


他是我们处理upu的管理层。有关于申请politeknik进universiti(政府大专)的可以联系他们噢。或者其他关于diploma文凭&升学事件。其他有关于diploma 升uni的可以去找e-paduan查看。可以点击查看》》https://online.mohe.gov.my/upu5/epanduan/kodprogram/vMenuKod.php?jenprog=stpm

TALIAN HOTLINE  : 03 8870 8200

FAKS                        : 03 8870 6864

ALAMAT EMEL     : upu@mohe.gov.my

LAMAN WEB:https://upu.mohe.gov.my/

更多资讯升学资讯可以翻阅PART 1的每个科系的课程里的资料 (点我查看


他是我们的高等教育部长部门管理我们几时可以开学,高等教育制度(IPT)的部门。现在由于疫情所以全国IPT/IPTA 的可以不可以开学就要看他了。他很像KPM一样,但是KPT是超过中小学的程度的(KPM包过师训,matrik,skm等等)。注意:当他宣布可以回学校上课了,也需要看州的程度(管理)怎样,Poli 自己安排,班级安排之类的(在一班里有多少个人打疫苗)。温馨提醒:现在很多州属都可以walk in去打疫苗了。


升学必备!!我们必须向这个jabatan申请credit tranfer,然后他会回复你的email,给于通过的信件 。可以申请最多可以申请25个科目。大概要申请转换的科目需要少少拿c但是b或以上更好。

然后根据在PUO  毕业的buisness学姐讲的过程:
1)找/收集自己diploma每个科目的course outline 也称syllabus。


3)收集好了,就一次过发给JPP申请要tranfer diploma科目去uni的

4)等待JPP处理,他会发发个别的科目PDF给我们,然后我们要自己弄把他们combine成一个PDF FILE。(注意:这次申请成功前面第一页会有JPP的公函这样,每个人都有自己的code,为了证明有通过JPP申请过)

可点击!  (含有发去uni需要的文件,syllabus,等等)


福利UUM要求的grad 与可以转换科目的list:( 点我点我  )可点击!



2)syllabusjpp@gmail.com  可点击!

3) 联络:03-88882933 

4)我们的华人poli telegram群:(点我点我可点击!


注释:24credit(8科)- 30credit(10科) 【这个环节将会持续更进。。。。。。】。但是没有限制科目的申请数量,全部科目都send去JPP申请也可以(只是大学有限制只能够申请多少科)

2023/2024 学年第一学期开始,syllabus/course information(CI)的申请已回归到各个理工学院(politeknik)自行处理。若有意申请相关课程,可以通过所在理工学院的Unit Jaminan Kualiti(UJK)进行申请。
-PUO:  puo@polycc.edu.my



版主自己的tranfer credit文章》》点我查看



这个是管理学生的部门(学校的),也管理我们的disiplin (还saman 钱),头发等等。我们现在covid要申请跨州信的可以去HEP拿。如果需要换科系与换学校的话需要联络那个学校(第一个得到tawaran的学校)要求帮忙或填form申请。添加:我们也有Pengawai HAL EHWAL PELJAR (PHEP)在每个科系 如PHEP JKA ,PHEP JKE .PHEP JP 等等的PHEP ,他就像一个管道与学生沟通,协调的。

这个unit/majilis 的是pelajar/学生管理的(有老师协助),然后有时学校老师找MPP处理东西。除此之外,MPP也需要为其他校内学生(junior或senior)处理事情,给于资讯。这个jawantankuasa或者社团的主席都是由学校的每个学生投票选出来的(1年1次)【jun sesi 的】,每个jabatan/科系的学生都可以参加竞选。这个竞选(无关于政治啦)不要敏感嘿嘿,从个人的经验看有的人做视频拉票,有的人在学校贴海报拉票,有的人在本身的poli 网站&群组宣传。进入这个社团也会有jawantankuasa的siji,也许会帮到你们升学&找工作。对了版主差点忘记,这个社团有时会与校外/其他的politeknik &uni 举办一些活动噢。有活动就有sijil。条件进入MPP:是3.5pointer以上。进步到MPP,我们还有RAKAN MAJLIS PERWAKILAN PELAJAR  (RMPP) ,像协助MPP这样的,只是没sijil拿。 【本人暂时才参加社团,所以之后再更新】「   点我查看详细   」 

*今年2023年的MPP竞选在30.1.23-21.2.23   ;并在22/2/23(星期三)宣传竞选成绩* 


 2️⃣Civil Engineering Student Affairs Club(CESAC) 【PMK】

这个社团在全部/全国politeknik里面只有2间拥有而已(如果没记错)。进入条件:最主要的是你本身是civil engineering的course/科系(其他拒绝),有兴趣,能帮到组织完成任何或活动,要面试iv(interview)的。通常iv都是去聊天的,ok就可以过了(成功进入社团)。这个是算课外的(要与不要可以自己选择),然后进入这个社团可以选一些领域比如:sukan,keusahawanaan, kepimpinan,green,kerohanian,social innovation, “up-skilling”,可能也有其他的。这些的领域我们可以自己选择一个,当然有限制人数的,每个领域都有senior做为顶层带我们办活动。讲到活动啦(可能会很长噢),我们社团会办一些活动,比如:去做义工(老人院&学校),清理河,海边垃圾,去拜访原住民,做一些project,帮忙YB做活动,在自己学校办一些与其他科系联谊活动。(偷偷告诉你,如果有活动在上课时间是可以去活动的噢,因为cesac会出信嘿嘿)。


I) 我们的社团有办过学校的颁奖典礼(派发3.5GPA以上的sijil),

II) 有举办过玩bowling,这个活动是有bus带我们去那里bowling场的,然后我们社团开放给全部系的,所以我们包了10+个bowling的道来场比赛。(有得吃,sijil,赢了有奖品)【晚上的】

III) 有参加过YB举办的去原住民做project的活动(有YB COP的sijil),

IV) 有举办过去SK(sekolah kebangsaan)去做义工【CSR】(移树--用锄头挖泥土,丢东西,搬座椅,油漆--墙壁与地上,在floor paper--一个区域是纸地板,做装饰)【包早与午餐,有水,有karibot,有马来糕,等等好料】,

V) 有举办过游戏项目,比如玩PUPG(吃鸡),ML/mobile legend ,等等。赢了有游戏里的奖品。

VI) 其他:回忆中(comming soon)

以上有些活动只是开发自己系参加的,有些是公开性的。版主可能在下个sem 负责一个活动。

❇️❇️新:::了解更多CESAC >>「  点我查看    」 

3️⃣Unit  Kauselor(心理辅导,咨询,升学辅导)

老师也是有老师的kauselor,这个是学生的。学生的会比较好,因为大家同龄程好沟通也比较好聊。这个unit 也每个系是可以参加的。(更新)最主要的kelab是Pembimbing Rakan Siswa (PRS) 里面会办很多活动,我最有印像&喜欢的活动是(点我查看可点击!



EESTEC (Electrical Engineering Student Society of Melaka Polytechnic)给Jabatan kejuruteraan Elektrik (JKE)的
MESAC (Mechanical  Engineering Students’ Affairs Club)给Jabatan kejuruteraan Mekanikal (JKM)的
CODES (Commerce Department Society)给Jabatan Perdagangan(JP)的。


处理学生的SPMP,WIFI,还有ms teams ,account的问题的部门。如果有关于学校acc密码的问题,忘记以及其他技术问题可以联系这个部门或者PA。除此之外,如果老师要把这个学期SPMP的资料搬去明年的junior的SPMP也是通过他们处理的噢。



管理运动与persatuan的问题,在我学校可以去这个部门申请去学校的GYM免费的【PMK :如果一样!】除此之外,如果你之前是比赛州或者是国选手可以通知这个部门他可能会帮你安排一些东西。


他是学校考试蛮重要的部门,因为考final时不只是自己的lecturer改,还可能被抽出来检查分数对不对应。然后,有作弊行为也是这个部门决定的与及出席不到80%也会被他阻止进入考场。当然现在covid我们的final exam换成了palt(另种考法),也是这个部门出的。除此之外,正常时候全国的final可能抽取其中一间poli的unit peperiksaan考题来做为final exam paper。【可以在PART 2 找考卷】

7️⃣JABATAN 科系(根据你的学校)未来整理出来

这个需要依照各自学校有的科系&科目而有的部门。比如版主的学校有Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam(JKA) ,Jabatan Perdagangan (JPI),Jabatan Matematik, Sains dan Komputer (JMSK)与其他。JMSK介乎很多学校都有。

8️⃣Unit Pengantarabangsaan
这个unit是每个poli都有的,这个好处是可以出国在6个星期在那边(外国)internship。去东南亚国家有:印度尼西亚(大多数会去)【BALI】,印尼,泰国,柬埔寨(Cambodia)。其他有的是去比赛,交换学生(exchange student)去中国等国家。。。




注释:以上是“迷你大学”的称呼JABATAN。When arrive uni we know it can say “faculty” 国语:fakulti。是不是很😵?哈哈哈现在记得“JABATAN”就好。

到了你们最注重的sukan & kelab/persatuan(科目来的)

新的syllabus是有两个选择与及他不是sem 1到sem 6都有:

选择一sem1选sukan,sem 2就一定要badan。
选择二sem 1选badan ,sem 2没得选了只能sukan。

他们两个都是1 credit hours的科目,需要80%的出席率。【sukan与kelab/persatuan是用学校的远动衣(koko衣,那时sem1进学校时交的其他费用有包过衣服)】

【SUKAN 与kelab/persatuan的list 版主暂时还不确定】,【unit beruniform版主学校没有,所以不用特别买衣服】







✳️邮件:(leeliang0326@gmail.com )

✳️版主的其他管道:( https://leelianglearning.carrd.co/ )

✳️【新】可投稿至google form:( https://forms.gle/fJ4nrEZjJJz9WiR96 

⏱⏱最新更新帖子时间:31/7/2021 (星期六)⏱⏱

最新更新帖子时间:7/9/2024 (星期六)


#jppk  #hep #jhep #politeknik_tranfer_credit #upu #poli升学 #politodegree #pmk #politeknikmelaka #cesac #了解poli免除kredit过程

有兴趣了解更多POLITEKNIK 的文章可以点击下方👇👇

PART 1 Politeknik 介绍篇:poli介绍+各校宣传影片+课程+科系+其他

PART 2 学术篇 :POLITEKNIK 大马工艺学院 学术与网站篇

PART 3:      其他POLITEKNIK 小细节&必须知道(saman!!)

PART 4:一起来深度了解与解析POLITEKNIK 篇【上课时间】

PART 5:💖💖 《 关于学校开课的时间与事宜》💝💝

PART 6:本篇深入了解课外活动,社团,jabatan等等

PART 7 : (无聊FAQ环节。勿按进来噢!!进来看的人赚到咯!

PART 8 :(稍安勿躁 --谈在POLI玩玩的经历~EBS)、

💚新:报名与panduan pendaftaran 的各poli的daftar网站



Learn about the articles engineering departments

1) Operations Executive

How construction can emerge stronger after coronavirus | McKinsey

    • Responsible for the direction and management of operations overseeing and project finances
    • Play a key role in the business' purpose, vision and values, ensuring strategic objectives are achieved.
    • The promotion of your business units services within Southern African and other off-shore markets building client relationships
    • Develop supplier relationships ensuring contracts are geared towards profitability
    • Develops policies, programmes and objectives for all Operations activities for the business.
    • Develop a project management culture focused on delivering quality projects on time and within budget.
    • Assess and establish best practices' with regard to project management, purchasing and engineering
    • Mentor Project Managers strengthening business/commercial acumen enabling others to see the bigger picture' and promote their personal growth

2)Quantity Surveyors(QS)

Is BIM redefining the roles and working practices of the Quantity Surveyor?  | Planning, BIM & Construction Today

 responsible for managing all aspects of the contractual and financial side of construction projects. 

Quantity surveyors manage the costs on a construction project. They help to ensure that the construction project is completed within its projected budget.

Alternative job titles for a quantity surveyor include ‘cost consultant’, ‘commercial manager’, ‘cost manager’ and ‘cost engineer’.

  • price/forecast the cost of the different materials needed for the project
  • prepare tender documents, contracts, budgets, bills of quantities and other documentation
  • track changes to the design and/or construction work and adjust budget projections accordingly
  • procure or agree the services of contractors and/or subcontractors who work on the construction of the project
  • measure and value the work done on site
  • pay subcontractors
  • liaise with the client and other construction professionals, such as site managers, project managers and site engineers
  • select and/or source construction materials
  • write reports.

3)Geotechnical Engineers

If structural engineering takes your fancy, consider geotechnical engineering too. Geotechnical engineers are responsible for structures’ foundations.

  • Finding ways to ensure foundations or slopes are stable,
  • Designing foundations.
  •  Overseeing work on a construction site. They often work for consultancies.
  • Assessing data from the field

What is Foundation in Construction? Their Functions and Purpose
foundations (base of structure building)

4)Construction and Building Inspectors

How to Become a Construction or Building Inspector in the US

  • Review plans to ensure they meet building codes, local ordinances, zoning regulations, and contract specifications.
  • Approve building plans that are satisfactory.
  • Monitor construction sites periodically to ensure overall compliance.
  • Use survey instruments, metering devices, and test equipment to perform inspections.
  • Inspect plumbing, electrical, and other systems to ensure that they meet code.
  • Verify alignment, level, and elevation of structures to ensure building meets specifications.
  • Issue violation notices and stop-work orders until building is compliant.
  • Keep daily logs, including photographs taken during inspections.
  • Provide written documentation of findings.

People want to live and work in safe places, and construction and building inspectors ensure that construction meets codified requirements. Construction and building inspectors examine buildings, highways and streets, sewer and water systems, dams, bridges, and other structures. They also inspect electrical; heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration (HVACR); and plumbing systems. Although no two inspections are alike, inspectors perform an initial check during the first phase of construction and follow-up inspections throughout the construction project. When the project is finished, they perform a final, comprehensive inspection and provide written and oral feedback related to their findings.

The following are examples of types of construction and building inspectors:

Building inspectors  >> >> check the structural quality and general safety of buildings. Some specialize further, inspecting only structural steel or reinforced-concrete structures, for example.

Coating inspectors >> >> examine the exterior paint and coating on bridges, pipelines, and large holding tanks. Inspectors perform checks at various stages of the painting process to ensure proper coating.

Electrical inspectors >> >> examine the installed electrical systems to ensure they function properly and comply with electrical codes and standards. The inspectors visit worksites to inspect new and existing sound and security systems, wiring, lighting, motors, photovoltaic systems, and generating equipment. They also inspect the installed electrical wiring for HVACR systems and appliances.

Elevator inspectors>>>>  examine lifting and conveying devices, such as elevators, escalators, moving sidewalks, lifts and hoists, inclined railways, ski lifts, and amusement rides. The inspections include both the mechanical and electrical control systems.

Home inspectors >>>>   typically inspect newly built or previously owned homes, condominiums, townhomes, and other dwellings. Prospective home buyers often hire home inspectors to check and report on a home’s structure and overall condition. Sometimes, homeowners hire a home inspector to evaluate their home’s condition before placing it on the market.

In addition to examining structural quality, home inspectors examine all home systems and features, including the roof, exterior walls, attached garage or carport, foundation, interior walls, plumbing, electrical, and HVACR systems. They look for violations of building codes, but home inspectors do not have the power to enforce compliance with the codes.

Mechanical inspectors >>>> examine the installation of HVACR systems and equipment to ensure that they are installed and function properly. They also may inspect commercial kitchen equipment, gas-fired appliances, and boilers. Mechanical inspectors should not be confused with quality control inspectors, who inspect goods at manufacturing plants.

Plan examiners >>>> determine whether the plans for a building or other structure comply with building codes. They also determine whether the structure is suited to the engineering and environmental demands of the building site.

Plumbing inspectors >>>>examine the installation of systems that ensure the safety and health of drinking water, the sanitary disposal of waste, and the safety of industrial piping.

Public works inspectors >>>>ensure that the construction of federal, state, and local government water and sewer systems, highways, streets, bridges, and dams conforms to detailed contract specifications. Workers inspect excavation and fill operations, the placement of forms for concrete, concrete mixing and pouring, asphalt paving, and grading operations. Public works inspectors may specialize in highways, structural steel, reinforced concrete, or ditches. Others may specialize in dredging operations required for bridges, dams, or harbors.

Specification inspectors >>>>ensure that construction work is performed according to design specifications. Specification inspectors represent the owner’s interests, not those of the general public. Insurance companies and financial institutions also may use their services.

5)Health & Safety Manager (OSHA)
It's Time to Hire a Health & Safety Manager

The Health & Safety Manager is in charge of the safety, health environment, and quality assurance. They supervise or co-ordinate work systems to ensure products and services meet the highest quality standards, and that working conditions are safe and meet legal requirements.

  • To investigate accidents and ensure all documentation is updated.
  • Implementation of any new legislation relating to health and safety.
  • Facilitate all forms of risk assessment - manual handling, fire risk assessments / fire prevention, COSHH.
  • Occupational health and safety surveys - noise, light, chemical substances.
  • Health and safety awareness training.
  • Site inspections.
  • Toolbox talks.
  • To complete prevention inspections on a regular basis and ensure records maintained of same.
  • Annual H&S audits and Quality Assurance
  • Ensure the company meets its obligations under the ‘Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations’.
  • Ensure construction accreditations such as CHAS and Constructionline are achieved and renewed.
  • Devise and improve the training matrix for all staff, carry out H&S inductions and in-house training.

  • https://www.kalcrest.co.uk/job-sectors/health-and-safety-manager

    6)Site Supervisor

    What is Site Safety Supervisor Training? | Health Matters

  • ordering building supplies
  • scheduling equipment maintenance as needed and training new construction employees.
  • Inspecting construction sites regularly to identify and eliminate potential safety hazards.
  • Supervising and instructing the construction team as well as subcontractors.
  • Educating site workers on construction safety regulations and accident protocol.
  • Enforcing site safety rules to minimize work-related accidents and injuries.
  • Handling site accidents in accordance with established accident protocol.
  • Maintaining an accurate record of construction employee attendance.
  • Evaluating the performance of construction employees and instituting disciplinary measures as needed.
  • Analyzing blueprints to ensure that construction projects meet design, safety, and budget specifications.
  • Recommending changes to construction operations or procedures to increase efficiency.


7) Land Surveyor 

  WEBSITE: http://ljt.org.my/content/lembaga-jurukur-tanah-malaysia

Land Surveyor Job Description

Land Surveyors use special equipment to conduct measurements and evaluations of sites for public, government and private property. The responsibilities of Land Surveyors include developing land survey reports and performing calculations of measurements and evaluations.

8)Material Controller
Material Controller (Female) - Weldzone Training CenterWeldzone Training  Center

Coordinating Materials

Material Controllers coordinate and expedite movement of materials between departments according to each department’s production and shipping requirements. They also create and maintain computerized records of these movements.

Order Management

Computation of the amounts of material or items required to complete specific job orders is a responsibility of Material Controllers. They must have knowledge of product manufacturing and related processes to successfully estimate how much each department or job requires.

Inventory Control

Knowing how to create, compile and maintain manual or computerized records is an essential job duty of Material Controllers. They need these records to be able to verify inventory numbers and locations and to have available in the instance of an audit. Various software programs can be utilized to help with inventory control.

Transporting Materials

Material Controllers often have to move or transport materials between departments in response to production needs. Knowledge of equipment such as forklifts or pallet jacks is helpful. In addition, knowing how to move items safely without bodily injury to themselves or others is essential.

Examining and Verifying Materials

Upon receiving new inventory, Material Controllers are tasked with examining the materials to verify that they conform to production specifications. They must be familiar with these specifications or have the ability to look in the reference manuals for the information. They must document any exceptions and arrange for the return or exchange of any materials that fail to meet specifications.


9)Assistant Engineer

Job Description of an Assistant Engineer

。Assist in designing, developing and executing construction projects.
。Work with Project Manager in reviewing project specification and in preparing project plan and design sheet.

。Visit sites, prepare construction drawings and develop samples.

。Work with engineering team in developing construction plan.

。Determine budget, schedule, manpower and material and equipment requirements to execute construction project.

。Report all expenses to Project Manager on timely basis.

。Maintain quality assurance standards for projects.

。Provide technical assistance to field staff when needed.

。Analyze construction problems and recommend corrective actions.

。Order and stock construction materials to avoid shortage


What does an Information System Manager do and How to Become One

  • managing a team of staff including programmers, analysts, and support specialists
  • evaluating the functionality of systems
  • consulting computer users to ascertain needs and to ensure that facilities meet user or project requirements
  • selecting and purchasing appropriate hardware and software
  • managing IT budgets
  • ensuring software licensing laws are followed
  • implementing and managing security or integrity and backup procedures
  • scheduling upgrades
  • providing user training, support, advice and feedback
  • testing and modifying systems to ensure that that they operate reliably
  • managing secure network access for remote users
  • keeping up to date with new technology
  • designing maintenance procedures and putting them into operation
  • training new staff.

Typical employers for information systems managers

11)Draftsman/Draughtsman/Draughtswoman (autocad)

Draftman High Res Stock Images | Shutterstock

engineering technician who makes detailed technical drawings or plans for machinery, buildings, electronics, infrastructure, sections, etc. Drafters use computer software and manual sketches to convert the designs, plans, and layouts of engineers and architects into a set of technical drawings. Drafters operate as the supporting developers and sketch engineering designs and drawings from preliminary design concepts.

Many modern drafters now use computer software such as AutoCADRevit, and SolidWorks to flesh out the designs of engineers or architects into technical drawings and blueprints but board drafting still remains the base of the CAD system. Many of these drawings are utilized to create structures, tools or machines. In addition, the drawings also include design specifications like dimensions, materials and procedures.[1] Consequently, drafters may also be casually referred to as CAD operators, engineering draftspersons, or engineering technicians.[2]

With CAD systems, drafters can create and store drawings electronically so that they can be viewed, printed, or programmed directly into automated manufacturing systems. CAD systems also permit drafters to quickly prepare variations of a design. Although drafters use CAD extensively, it is only a tool. Drafters still need knowledge of traditional drafting techniques, in addition to CAD skills. Despite the near global use of CAD systems, manual drafting and sketching are used in certain applications.[2]

Drafters' drawings provide visual guidelines and show how to construct a product or structure. Drawings include technical details and specify dimensions, materials, and procedures. Drafters fill in technical details using drawings, rough sketches, specifications, and calculations made by engineers, surveyors, architects, or scientists. For example, drafters use their knowledge of standardized building techniques to draw in the details of a structure. Some use their understanding of engineering and manufacturing theory and standards to draw the parts of a machine; they determine design elements, such as the numbers and kinds of fasteners needed to assemble the machine. Drafters use technical handbooks, tables, calculators, and computers to complete their work.


12)Construction Cleaner

Why you should consider hiring construction site cleaner - Builders Cleaner
Site clean-up includes coming in behind different subcontractors to clean up their messes and prepping the area for the next subcontractor. For example, once the flooring contractors complete their work, clean-up workers get the property ready for the painters, cabinetry workers or whichever subcontractor is coming in next. Cleaning up on site includes properly disposing of any debris and trash. Often, the clean-up worker will do a walk-through with the contractor to get an idea of exactly what the contractor expects and to receive any special clean-up instructions. The clean-up worker’s supervisor, or the worker himself, if he is an independent contractor, often follows up with the contractor to confirm that the clean-up job met expectations.

Post-Construction Cleaning

Part of site clean-up may include cleaning the actual home, office or structure the contractors built so that it is ready for the new occupants to move into. Clean-up workers wipe down ceiling fixtures, fans, lights, mechanical registers, walls, cabinets, windows, sills, mirrors, baseboards, counters, appliances and other fixtures. They also sweep and mop floors and outdoor sidewalks and patio spaces. The clean-up worker must take care to only use products suited for the type of material he is cleaning. For example, workers cannot use harsh chemicals or cleaners when dealing with delicate materials such as granite, marble or quartz.


13)Construction Marketing Manager

Marketing Executive job description template | Workable

  • Advertising, marketing
  • promotions
  • public relations activities.
  • sales managers coordinate their company's market research
  • marketing strategy
  • sales
  • advertising
  • promotion 
  • pricing
  • product development


14)Project Designer

Neets Project Designer | Neets

。Provide assistance in project design and development activities based on customer requirements.

。Develop design documentations, technical specifications and other project related documentations as needed.

。Attend project meetings to discuss about any issues and new design ideas.

。Analyze design issues and suggest corrective actions.

。Oversee change order management and document filing activities.

。Work with Manager in developing project plan, budget and schedule.

。Prepare design layouts and sketches according to company design standards.

。Stay abreast with latest developments in design technologies and techniques.

。Address design related queries and concerns in a timely manner.

。Provide assistance and conduct trainings to team members when required.

。Work with design team in prioritizing, planning and executing several projects efficiently.

。effective design solutions to meet project goals.

。Review and recommend improvements to existing designs.

。Follow company policies and design standards.

。Develop cost reduction initiatives while maintaining quality and productivity


15)Admin Executive Construction (Office)

Executive Administrative Assistant job description template | Workable
  • 。Preparing, organizing and storing information in paper and digital form
  • 。Dealing with queries on the phone and by email
  • 。Greeting visitors at the reception
  • 。Managing diaries, scheduling meetings, and booking rooms
  • 。Arranging travel and accommodation
  • 。Arranging post and deliveries
  • 。Taking minutes at meetings
  • 。Typing up letters and reports
  • 。Updating computer records using a database
  • 。Printing and photocopying
  • 。Ordering office supplies
  • 。Maintaining office systems
  • 。Liaising with suppliers and contractors
  • 。Liaising with staff in other departments, e.g. finance, HR
  • 。Working in an office.


arranged by lee Liang 

16)Civil Engineering 
    Women in civil engineering: A book appreciation post | ICE Bookshop
  • undertaking technical and feasibility studies including site investigations
  • using a range of computer software for developing detailed designs
  • undertaking complex calculations
  • liaising with clients and a variety of professionals including architects and subcontractors
  • compiling job specs and supervising tendering procedures
  • resolving design and development problems
  • managing budgets and project resources
  • scheduling material and equipment purchases and deliveries
  • making sure the project complies with legal requirements, especially health and safety
  • assessing the sustainability and environmental impact of projects
  • ensuring projects run smoothly and structures are completed within budget and on time.


17)Construction Superintendent
The Real Life of a Construction Superintendent: Skanska's Lance Borst
  • Keeping track of project progress
  • Ensuring compliance with safety, health, and quality standards
  • Purchasing equipment and materials 
  • Collaborate with engineers, subcontractors, etc. to determine project needs 
  • Set performance goals and deadlines
  • Plan construction processes
  • Estimate costs and ensure the project is on budget 
  • Supervise staff and provide constructive feedback 
  • Monitor and report on project progress
  • Plan inspections and obtain construction permits from local authorities
  • Implement safety and quality guidelines
  • Order the appropriate equipment and arrange for regular maintenance
  • Keep track of material stock and orders
  • Ensure the job site remains safe, clean, and orderly
  • Resolve on-site issues and emergencies

  • 1)https://www.payscale.com/research/MY/Job=Construction_Superintendent/Salary

    18)Structure Inspector

    Engineer inspecting foundation

    A structural engineer inspection is typically a visual inspection performed by a structural engineer to validate the structural soundness of a home or building’s weight bearing components such as framing, foundation, beams, columns, posts, or trusses.

    It is performed when a home or property owner has questions about the structural integrity of a building or structure. This could entail an analysis of the whole structure or an examination of one specific element of the building.

     Common reasons you may need a structural engineering inspection are: 

    • Bowing/cracked foundation
    • Settlement or wall cracks
    • To remove a wall in a remodel
    • Add solar panels to a roof
    • Add a second story to a home

    19)  Geotechnical Engineer
    What is Geotechnical Engineering? Subtopics, Salaries, Books, Journals, ...  - CivilEngineeringBible.com

    • Gathering and analysing data
    • Looking at the risk of geological hazards and making sure any factors affecting engineering works are identified and managed
    • Advising on procedures required and the suitability of construction materials
    • Using specialist computer software to create analytical 2D and 3D models
    • Consulting geological maps and aerial photographs to advise on site selection
    • Assisting with the design of built structures, using specialised computer software or calculations
    • Planning detailed field investigations by drilling and analysing samples of deposits or bedrock
    • Supervising ground investigations and budgets
    • Advising on and testing a range of construction materials including sand, gravel, bricks and clay
    • Making recommendations on the proposed use of a site
    • Managing staff, including other engineering geologists, geotechnical engineers, consultants and contractors
    • Working to preserve and protect the physical environment
    • Analysing sites and designs for environmentally sensitive developments, such as landfill.

    Carpenters and Joiners — Migration Associates
    • Installing wooden structures such as roofing frames, rafters, partitions, joists, and stud work.
    • Designing and installing cabinets, shelving, fitted furniture, drywall and insulation
    • Adding fixtures and fittings such as door handles, locks, hinges and closures.
    • Selecting lumber by size and strength to suit each job, sourcing wood to suit the customer's budget and style.
    • Calculating the number of fasteners required for each job.
    • Liaising with clients, suppliers and other construction professionals.
    • Reading blueprints and designs to work to specifications prepared by other construction. professionals, architects and building code recommendations.


    21)  Roofer
    Roofer Career Information - IResearchNet

    Perform Roof Pre-Inspections

    Before they begin a job, roofers inspect a roof to determine the best repair or replacement procedure. They inspect their work area to make sure that all required tools are present. Their evaluation incudes calculating the total amount of materials and labor needed to complete the job.

    Measure and Cut Project Materials

    Roofers have to ensure that any materials they use are properly trimmed to tightly fit along the edges of a roof. They are responsible for altering materials as needed. Roofers make sure that their materials fit around chimneys, vents, gutters, and walls, and other intersecting surfaces.

    Smooth and Level Roof Surfaces

    Before adding new layers, roofers smooth out rough spots and prepare a surface for new shingles or waterproofing. They use hammers, chisels, or other abrasive materials such as bricks, sand, and dirt to level out surfaces. After new shingles are placed, a roofer may glaze the top layer of their work and embed gravel to fill crevices.

    Install Roofing Materials

    The roofer’s primary job is to construct a weatherproof roof by installing materials such as shingles and asphalt. During this process they replace any areas of the roof that are damaged or rotting. To create a more weatherproof seal, a roofer may also use insulation or vapor barriers. During installation, roofers use caulk and mortar to cover any exposed nails or screw heads to prevent leakage.

    Complete Site Set Up and Clean Up

    Preparing and cleaning up a job location is a roofer’s responsibility. When they first arrive on site, roofers set up ladders, scaffolding, and other temporary structures. These tools enable them to conduct all needed roof work in a safe way. Once the job is completed, they are required to break down the site.



    Construction project management processes: Everything you need to know -  LetsBuild

    • Negotiate cost estimates and coordinate the budget
    • Handle the task timetables
    • Put together a construction strategy
    • Communicate with clients regarding all budget-related issues
    • Discuss details of projects with various team managers and workers
    • Supervise onsite work
    • Coordinate with contractors


      1. Project Specification

      Construction management is in charge of detailing the project goals and drawing up plans on accomplishing those. These plans include drawing the project scope, scheduling construction, budgeting, selecting contractors, and outlining all of the specifics.

      1. Coordinate Resources

      If the project hopes to be successful, it requires a plethora of resources. The construction management team boosts the effectiveness of these resources by acquiring the right workforce, equipment, and timetable.

      1. Mitigate Teams

      Construction management handles the conduction of numerous operations by coordinating and managing the entire procedure. This mainly means working with all construction teams, including contracting, planning, design, estimating, and construction.

      1. Communication Agent 

      All in all, the management team must develop a stable communication process. This process directly affects the efficiency of the entire projects by allowing every member of the workforce to communicate with one another.


      1. Project Initiation

      The first phase of any given construction project determines the feasibility of the entire process. As project initiation begins, many firms will put together a feasibility plan to determine whether the project will work or not. A Project Initiation Document (PID) is also created during this phase. In summary, the first phase of the process lays the groundwork for the entire project.

      1. Planning

      Once project initiation finishes and feasibility decided, the construction management team moves into stage two– project planning. This stage includes coordinating what is needed, who does what, and more. While planning occurs throughout the project, the main objective of this phase is to determine the costs and resources required. Based on those requirements, construction management develops the necessary strategy for completing the project. Another aspect of this phase is risk management, which examines all potential threats and what is needed to mitigate those issues.

      1. Execution

       In the execution phase, construction project management puts in more of the heavy lifting. Generally, this phase is made up of two processes—execution and monitoring. The project team coordinates with all teams making sure that the work is getting done. At the same time, the team monitors progress and makes changes as needed. During this phase, the project manager spends time tracking the project and redirecting accordingly.

      1. Completion

      The final stage of the construction management process is complete. During this phase, the project manager evaluates the entire construction process. They determine what went well and what didn’t. As the project completes, the management team will conduct a project report, calculate the final budget, and offer any information regarding any unfinished tasks.



    Electrician Job Description: Salary, Skills, & More

    • Install, maintain and repair electrical control, wiring, and lighting systems.
    • Read technical diagrams and blueprints.
    • Perform general electrical maintenance.
    • Inspect transformers and circuit breakers and other electrical components.
    • Troubleshoot electrical issues using appropriate of testing devices.
    • Repair and replace equipment, electrical wiring, or fixtures.
    • Follow National Electrical Code state and local building regulations.
    • Circuit breaker corrective maintenance.
    • Good knowledge of heating and air conditioning systems.
    • Good knowledge of various test equipment.


      24) Painter Construction
      What does a construction painter do? - CareerExplorer

      A construction painter applies paint, stain, and coatings to a wide variety of structures, including walls, interiors, and exteriors of buildings, and bridges.

      They may work both indoors and outdoors and on high and low-rise structures executing general and custom maintenance painting and finishing.

      • Confer with the appropriate authority in reading and interpreting job orders
      • Responsible for preparing cost estimates and product proposal
      • Appropriately mix paint colors following determined formulas approved by management
      • Perform pre-painting activities including scraping, sandpaper, and repair of cracks and holes before conducting general finishing
      • Execute pre-emptive maintenance to ensure long-lasting colors and minimize future damages
      • Accomplish custom painting tasks as per the contractor advise
      • Responsible for the maintenance of ventilation, compressed air, and personal protective equipment, and report any issues with equipment to management
      • Responsible for the application of paints using rollers, brushes, spray guns, and finishes drywall using standard or specialized tool
      • Responsible for cleaning all equipment, including brushes and spray guns after use
      • Execute tasks using scaffolding and ladders to reach high ceilings or walls.


      25) Technical Supervisor
      Technical Supervision | steady tower is a specialist provider of cooling  tower services for all industries.

    • Accomplishes construction human resource objectives by selecting, orienting, training, assigning, scheduling, coaching, counseling, and disciplining employees; communicating job expectations; planning, monitoring, appraising job contributions; recommending compensation actions; adhering to policies and procedures.
    • Manages sub-contractors by locating, evaluating, and selecting sub-contractors; monitoring and controlling performance.
    • Meets operational standards by contributing construction information to strategic plans and reviews; implementing production, productivity, quality, and customer-service standards; resolving problems; identifying construction management system improvements.
    • Meets construction budget by monitoring project expenditures; identifying variances; implementing corrective actions; providing non-project annual operating and capital budget information.
    • Accomplishes construction project results by defining project purpose and scope; calculating resources required; establishing standards and protocols; allocating resources; scheduling and coordinating staff and sub-contractors; evaluating milestone assumptions and conclusions; resolving design problems; evaluating and implementing change orders.
    • Approves construction projects by conducting inspections at critical phases; obtaining approvals from buyers.
    • Prevents fines and interruptions by complying with, and enforcing, codes.
    • Maintains safe, secure, and healthy work environment by following and enforcing standards and procedures; complying with legal regulations.
    • Updates job knowledge by tracking and understanding emerging construction practices and standards; participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.
    • Enhances organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.
    • https://hiring.monster.com › c...

      onstruction Foreman
      What Do You Know About Construction Foreman? - ProProfs Quiz

      • Leading crews to complete specific projects.
      • Overseeing training of new crew members.
      • Communicating to project managers/supervisors.
      • Reading plans and specs.
      • Ensuring quality work and correct practices.

    • 27)Elevator installer
      How to become a Lift Mechanic

      • Read and interpret blueprints to determine the layout of system components and to select the equipment needed for installation or repair
      • Assemble elevator cars, installing each car’s platform, walls, and doors
      • Connect electrical wiring to control panels and electric motors
      • Test newly installed equipment to ensure that it meets specifications
      • Troubleshoot malfunctions in brakes, motors, switches, and control systems
      • Dismantle elevator or escalator units in order to gain access to remove and replace defective parts, using hoists, ladders, and hand/power tools
      • Repair and/or replace faulty components in order to return elevator to fully operational status
      • Conduct preventive maintenance and inspections of elevators and escalators on a scheduled basis to ensure compliance with safety regulations and building codes
      • Keep service records of all maintenance and repair tasks


    • 28)Construction Expeditor
    • Construction Expediter job description template | TalentLyft

      • Determine supply needs through technical details and schedules
      • Manage the orders of material and equipment to meet project requirements
      • Coordinate the delivery of supplies according to priorities and specifications
      • Resolve problems to speed up delivery of orders
      • Inspect orders upon arrival to ensure the correct quality and quantity
      • Monitor inventory of supplies for different jobs or sites
      • Place orders when needed aiming for timely delivery and competitive price
      • Arrange the movement of material between locations
      • Maintain good relationships with suppliers and vendors
      • Keep accurate records


        Construction Estimating Consultant - Construction Cost Estimator
        An estimator is a statistic that estimates some fact about the population. You can also think of an estimator as the rule that creates an estimate. For example, the sample mean(x̄) is an estimator for the population mean, μ.

        The quantity that is being estimated (i.e. the one you want to know) is called the estimand. For example, let’s say you wanted to know the average height of children in a certain school with a population of 1000 students. You take a sample of 30 children, measure them and find that the mean height is 56 inches. This is your sample mean, the estimator. You use the sample mean to estimate that the population mean (your estimand) is about 56 inches.


        30) Plumber in Construction
        Plumber | Careers in Construction
      • Installing, repairing and maintaining domestic, commercial or industrial plumbing systems
      • Marking positions for pipe connections and fixtures in walls and floors
      • Cutting openings in walls and floors to accommodate pipes and pipe fittings
      • Measuring, cutting, bending and installing pipes using hand and power tools
      • Joining pipes using clamps, screws, bolts or cement
      • Welding pipes
      • Testing pipes for leaks
      • Preparing cost estimates
      • Reading and interpreting blueprints

      • https://www.careersinconstruction.ca/en/career/plumber

        31)Crane Operator

    • Operating the crane under supervision.
    • Inspecting the crane to ensure its safety.
    • Performing routine maintenance.
    • Carrying tools for running repairs.
    • Understanding and executing the job billing process.
    • Driving the crane to a worksite.
    • Wearing PPT safety equipment.
    • Cleaning and maintaining the crane hoisting mechanism.
    • Using lever and pedal controls efficiently.
    • Setting up the manufacturer’s operator manual.


    TOTALY 31 WORKS in civil engineering.
    Last updated :25/7/2021


           分享 处 今天我来分享我的 diploma civil engineering(DKA) 学习经验与一些经历 我在这个学期里有拿的科目有 8 科 +1 co-curriculum (共 19   credit hours/19 积分)如图: 注明: 第一与第二科目...