学习この友🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑: Chapter2: Business Law


Chapter2: Business Law


 Business Law Chapter 2

Business Law Chapter 2 有学:

✅2.1 Describe the nature OF Malaysia legal Principles 
    ✅Describe contract
✅2.2 Apply elements that form a valid contract and terms in contract 
    ✅Elaborate elements of valid contract 
✅2.3 Ascertain effects of contract 
    ✅Describe valid contract 
    ✅Interpret voidable contract
    ✅Discuss void and illegal contract
✅2.4 Explain discharge of contract
    ✅Identify the role of judges in interpretation of statutes
✅ 2.5 Ascertain remedies for breach of contract
      ✅Outline the remedies for breach of contract

 ✅2.1 Describe the nature OF Malaysia legal Principles 

Describe contract

What is contract?
  • Contract is a legally binding or valid agreement between two parties and intended to be enforceable by law
  • Contract Act 1950 stated that ' an agreement enforceable by law is a contract'

2.2 Apply elements that form a valid contract and terms in contract 

Elaborate elements of valid contract 

首先,我们要先知道什么是offer。offer可以理解为交易。Offer有分成两个种类,第一个是specific offer,第二个是general specific。

Specific offer是与指定的人做交易
General offer是与任何人做交易
ITT(Invitation to treat) 邀请第三方做交易
    -advertisement (不是所有广告都是ITT,如果附带条款可被视为offer)
    -self-service outlet
    -auction  拍卖 (需要木鱼敲打第三次才算拍卖成功,第三次前可以任意取消当前交易,之后是offer)
    -exhibition on a shop window 展览
    -supply of information

Lapse of offer




-an agreement without consideration is void
  • 如果姐姐无条件自愿每年给妹妹RM5000,由于没有consideration,假设姐姐不愿意继续支付妹妹,妹妹无权将此案交由司法处理。假设,爸爸得知这件事情,为了表示对姐姐的感谢,送给姐姐一块地,姐姐接受了地。如果姐姐无能力每年支付妹妹RM5000,那么妹妹有权对姐姐进行提告(即使妹妹没有提供任何consideration,但爸爸代替妹妹提供consideration)

Intention to create legal relation
- 要有法律认证
-分成domestic arrangement和commercial arrangement
-domestic arrangement偏向于夫妻关系,如果是在甜蜜时给的承诺则不生效,若是在关系破裂后,仍然维持夫妻关系合约则属于生效
-xommercial arrangement是属于朋友之间的合约,要去sah就属于生效的合约,没有sah就不属于合法合约

-exp 不能用“随时”, “只要我开心”,没办法定义

-age of majority (多于18岁)
-mentally sound (正常人,不是精神病患者/在醉酒的情况下)
-no legal disqualification against him (exp对方不能破产)

其实2.2有非常多content,很多case,等着大家慢慢探索~ Case大部分都很有趣,除了名字比较多。case 第一个名字时plaintiff,plaintiff是原告 case第二个名字时defendant,defendant是被告。held是判决
✅2.3 Ascertain effects of contract 
Voidable contract

1coercion 威胁 (绑架/用刀威胁)
2under influence 滥用权力
3fraud 存在诈骗,在签约前提供不准确的info
4mispresentation 其中一方给错info
5mistake 双方都有犯错

Void contract
-it is forbidden by law 
-it is if such nature that, if permitted, it would defeat any law
-it is fraudulent
-it involves or implies injury to the person or property of another
-the court regards it is immoral

✅2.4 Explain discharge of contract
  1. Discharge by performance 
    • 双方完成任务,就discharge 
  2. Discharge by frustration
    • 其中一方无法完成(有合情合理的原因)
    • 没有办法claim,双方都没错
  3. Discharge by agreement
    • novatation-双方同意换新合约,代替旧合约
    • rescission-废除合约before performance
    • alteration-更改合约,用新合约
    • remission-reduce the performance of original contract
  4. Discharge by breach
    • 违约而解约,损失的那方可以claim damage

✅ 2.5 Ascertain remedies for breach of contract
  1. Damage
    • claim monetary compensation
  2. Rescission
    • allows the innocent party to cancel the contract
  3. Specific performance
    • A答应B唱歌,C也要A唱歌,C付更高薪,A违约但是B还是要A唱歌,让她继续履行合约
  4. Injuction
    • 夫妻离婚,还在走process,前夫一直骚扰前妻,前妻可以申请injunction,让前夫不要靠近自己的家2km
    • prohibitory injunction
    • mandatory injunction
    • interlocutory injunction
  5. Quantum Meruit
    • tuntut separuh sahaja 不能claim全部,done part of performance
  6. Anton Piller Order
    • 用来保护证据
    • 如果毁约可能会造成另一方毁掉证据,可以申请这个(已经懂对方毁约了)
    • 申请去别人的办公室突击证据,必须申请,否则无法私闯他人办公室




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