💜Offer是Section 2(a)-When one person signifies to another his willingness to do or to abstain from doing anything, with a view to obtain the assent of that other to the act or abstinence, he is said to make a proposal
1.Case Boulton V Jones
Fact:Jones 和第三方买货。他已经给对方offer了,可是第三方把货卖给了Boulton。Boulton知道后把货转卖给Jones。当Jones知道这个货是从Boulton买的而不是第三方,Jones拒绝支付给Boulton。Boulton因此上诉Jones
Held:Jones不需要支付给Boulton。这是因为Jones和Boulton没有offer and acceptance,他是和第三方有offer (specific offer)
How an offer could be made?
💜Section 9- So far as the proposal or acceptance of any promise is made in words, the promise is said to be express. So far as the proposal or acceptance is made otherwise than in words, the promise is said to be implied
2.Case Guthing V Lynn
Fact: Lynn 跟 Guthing买了一匹马,如果这匹马可以带来好运, Lynn将支付Guthing额外的$5,可是Lynn并没有支付$5给 Guthing
Held:带来好运 这个词太含糊不清,因此此合约是void的
💜Section 3 -the communication of proposals, the acceptance of proposals, and the revocation of proposals and acceptance, respectively, are deemed to be made by any act or omission of the party proposing, accepting or revoking, by which he intends to communicate the proposal, acceptance or revocation, or which has the effect of communicating it
💜Section4(1)-the communication of a proposal is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made
3.Case Taylor V Laird
Fact: Caption Laird在一次的航海期间退休了,另外一个正规的caption(Taylor)为他提供剩余的服务。(Taylor没有寻求Laird的同意)。事后,Taylor向Laird claim赔偿损失。
Held:Laird不需要偿还Taylor,因为彼此之间没有acceptance,offer是no valid的。Laird没有机会拒绝或同意
1.Advertisement (Case Coelho V The Public Service Commission)
Fact: Coelho从报纸看到了招聘广告,去面试,Public Service Commission同意了面试结果。之后,Public Service Commission尝试毁约,认为这是ITT 不是offer
Held:这是一个valid的contract。因为Public Service Commission和Coelho有了offer,因此不能随便毁约
2. Advertisement (Case Harrison V Nickerson)
Fact:Nickerson 登广告表示拍卖会有A产品。Harrison是为了A产品才到拍卖会的。但是到了拍卖会的时候,Harrison发现没有A产品。Harrison要和Nickerson claim赔偿
3. Self-service outlet (Case Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain V Boots Cash Chemist)
Fact:Boost Cash Chemist介绍self-service system是顾客从shelf拿货品,然后在counter结账。任何有关毒品的货物,pharmacist就要避免卖(要阻止transaction). Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 提起诉讼,以确定该制度在药品销售方面的合法性
Held:Good on the shelf 是ITT 不是 offer,所以是可行的
4.Auction (Case Payne V Cave)
Held:Cave 可以取消这场拍卖,因为还没有敲hammer,offer还没有made。
5.Exhibition of the shop window (Case Fisher V Bell)
Fact:Bell把flick knife展示在商店的窗口,并且贴上价格。根据法律,售卖flick knife是刑事犯罪。
Held:product展示在shop的是ITT 不是offer,所以不属于刑事犯罪
💜Section 5(1) - A proposal may be revoked at any time before the communication of its acceptance is complete as against the proposer but not afterwards
6. Revocation by communication (Case Byrne V Vien Tian Hoven)
Fact: Vien Tian Hoven 卖货给Byrne,(在10月1日寄信),在10月8日(before acceptance)Byrne寄出一封revoke offer的信,但是Vien Tian Hoven 在10月11日寄出acceptance letter。Vien Tian Hoven在 10月20日才收到revoke的信
Held:Revocation must be communicated
7. Revocation by counter offer (Case Hyde V Wrench)
Fact: Wrench 在6月6日卖 Hyde land for $ 1000。在6月8日,Hyde 做了一个counter offer用$950买下那个land。 Wrench拒绝以$950卖给 Hyde。Hyde再次以$1000的价格和Wrench买land。Wrench拒绝。Hyde提起诉讼。
Held:Wrench有权不卖给Hyde。当counter offer made,original contract就不valid了。新的counter offer还没有被accept。
💜Section 2(b)of the Contract Act 1950- When the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted: a proposal, when accepted, becomes a promise.
How to made an acceptance?
💜Section 9-So far as the acceptance of any promise is made in words, the acceptance is said to be expressed. If the acceptance is made other than in words, the acceptance is said to be implied.
💜Section 7(a) of the Contract Act 1950-Acceptance must be absolute and must conform exactly with the terms of the offer. If the offeree is required to perform an act or to pay a sum of money, the act must be done accordingly.
💜Section 7(b)of the Contract Act 1950-The offeree can communicate his acceptance in any usual manner, so long as the manner he used is the one which do not cause any delay. However, if there is a made of acceptance prescribed by the offeror in the offer, it must be followed in order to make a valid acceptance
1.Case Felthouse V Bindley
Fact: Felthouse 写信给 Bindley要买他的马,他表示如果我没有听到任何有关马的消息,我就会以$40把这匹马当成我的。 Bindley有打算把马卖给Felthouse但是没有回复他。Bindley有和拍卖者沟通不卖这匹马,但是拍卖者不小心把马卖了。 Felthouse对 Bindley 提起诉讼,因为把Felthouse的财产转移
2.Acceptance must be made within a reasonable time (Case Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Ltd V Montefiore)
Section 6(b)-an offer is revoked by the lapse of time prescribed in the proposal for its acceptance, or if no time so prescribed, by the lapse of a reasonable time, without communication of acceptance
Fact: Montefiore 在6月8日applied Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Ltd股份,期间一直不受理。在11月23日,Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Ltd接受Montefiore applied的股份。可是,Montefiore不愿意付款,Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Ltd提出诉讼,Montefiore违约
Held:Montefiore 有权不付款,因为他们之间没有合约,因为没有在合理的时间acceptance
3.Case Ignatius V Bell
Fact:Bell 卖estate给Ignatius, Ignatius必须在8月20日前给acceptance。 8月16日的时候,Ignatius寄出acceptance的信,因为Bell不在,所以8月25号Bell才去拿信。Ignatius以specific performance提出诉讼并有权购买land
4.Case Adam V Lindsell
Fact:9月2号,Lindsell 卖wool给发展商Adam。Lindsell 预测Adam会在8号前给acceptance。由于Lindsell写错地址,因此在9月5号才给Adam发过acceptance。当天下午,Lindsell给Adam发acceptance,可是Lindsell在9月9号才收到acceptance。Lindsell在9月8日的时候把货卖给第三方了。
5.Acceptance subject to contract (Case Low Kar Yit & Ors V Mohamed Isa & Anor)
Fact: Mohamed Isa& Anor打算和Low Kar Yit的agent买一块地(需经过双方起草同意的正式合同,并得到法律批准) 。P的agent愿意卖但是Mohamed Isa& Anor不愿意签agreement。Low Kar Yit提出诉讼表示Mohamed Isa&Anor违约
6.Case Dunmore V Alexander
Fact: Betty Alexander受雇于Lady Agnew。她写信给Dunmore,提供Betty Alexander服务。Dunmore通过邮寄方式接受了这个提议,后来又寄了一封信撤销了接受。虽然Lady Agnew在撤销前收到了接受,但她同时将两人转交给了Betty。Betty因违反合同而提起诉讼
1. Natural Love and Affection (Case Re Tan Soh Sim V Tan Saw Keow)
Fact:Tan Soh Sim 死了,他打算把遗产留给4个养子。Tan Soh Sim的近亲满足他的遗愿(没有立遗嘱的情况下)。他的近亲写个合同把财产留给4个养子。
Held:养子是与他们的父母有关系,和Tan Soh Sim的亲戚无关,这个合同是无效的,因为consider as natural love and affection
2.Consideration need not be adequate (Case Phang Swee Kim V Beh I Hock)
Fact: Phang Swee Kim同意以RM500把地卖给 Beh I Hock (实际上这个地的市价大于rm500)Phang Swee Kim之后拒绝售卖。
3.Consideration can move from any other person (Case Venkata Chinnaya V Verikatara Maya)
4.Consideration must have value unless it is an obligation to do so (Case Collin V Godefroy)
Fact:Godefroy 答应 Collin要付她钱如果Collin作她的证人。不久后,Collin收到了法庭的传唤做证人,Godefroy 拒绝支付。Collin提出诉讼要求payment
5.Waiver of Consideration (Case Kerpa Singh V Bariam Singh )
Fact:Bariam Singh欠Kerpa Singh 多过$8000. Bariam Singh的孩子给Kerpa Signh$4000的支票settle全部债务。Kerpa Signh没有回应,但是他去兑换现金。Kerpa Signh要讨回剩下的钱,因此Kerpa Singh提出诉讼
Held:Kerpa Signh不能和Bariam Singh讨回剩下的钱,因为Kerpa Signh用行动同意了Bariam Singh孩子的意思。如果Kerpa Signh想要$8000,Kerpa Signh不应该去兑换cash,应该拒绝。
Intention to create legal reation
A.Domestic Arrangement
1.Case Balfour V Balfour
Fact: 丈夫在国外工作答应会给妻子钱。承诺的时候,夫妻关系良好。之后婚姻关系出问题,丈夫不愿意支付钱给妻子,妻子提出诉讼。
Held:不成功,因为当时关系良好,没有intend to to be legally bound
2.Case Merrit V Merrit
Fact:Mr Merrit和他的妻子有个联名的房子,Mr Merrit之后找小三,抛弃妻子和小三同居。他和妻子有个约定,每个月给妻子$40,然后妻子继续一起付房子,房子付完后,把房子转给妻子。Mr Merrit不愿意转,妻子提出诉讼
Held:agreement is binding。因为当时关系已经破裂了,intend to to be legally bound
B.Commercial Agreement
1.Case Edwards V Skyways LTD
Fact: Edward是为Skyways LTD工作的航空公司飞行员。Skyways LTD说,如果Edward撤回对公司养老基金的缴款,公司将向他支付等价物。Edward同意,并撤回了他的贡献。然后,公司遇到了财务困难,没有向他支付付款。
Held:该协议是在商业背景下达成的,这提出了一个强有力的假设,即该协议具有法律约束力。Edwards 可以claim
💜Section 10 of CA 1950- all agreement are contract if they are made by the free consent of parties competent to contract, for lawful consideration and with a lawful object, and are not hereby expressly declared to be void
an agreement is enforceable as a valid contract of the party to the contract are competent
💜Section 11 of CA 1950- Every person is competent who is of the age of majority according to the law to which he is subject,and who is of sound mind, and is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject
1.Case Mohori bibee V Dhurmodas Ghose
Fact:被告(未成年人)将几套房子的抵押贷款交给了放债人(Brahmo Dutt)。随后,答辩人由其母亲和监护人作为下一个朋友对Brahmo Dutt提起诉讼,称答辩人在执行抵押时未成年,并要求宣布抵押无效和无效。
2. Case Tan Hee Juan V Teh Boon Keat
Fact: 一个婴儿代表D执行土地转让。随后对转让进行了登记。然后,P向法院申请撤销转让的命令。
Held– 法院宣布转让无效。
3.Contract for scholarship(Contract for necessaries) (Case Government of Malaysia V Gurcharan Singh& ORS)
💜Section 4 of the CA 1950 - not with standing anything to the contrary contained in the principal Act, no scholarship agreement shall be invalidated on the ground that the scholar entering into such agreement is not the age of majority
Fact:政府借Gurcharan Singh &ORS RM11500 for education。当时他还未成年,Gurcharan Singh& ORS 拒绝还钱。政府告他们
Held:Gurcharan Singh&ORS 必须还钱
4. Unsound mind (Case Matthews V Baxter)
💜Section 12(1) of the CA 1950 - a person is said to be of sound mind for the purpose of making a contract if, at the time when he makes it, he is capable of understanding it and if forming a rational judgement as to effect upon his interest
Held - Baxter在清醒后确认合同,因此他取消合同并提出他喝醉了的行动不适用。
1. Case Karuppan Chetiy V Suah Thian
Fact:租$35 for as long as he wish
Held:agreement是void的因为uncertainty (不确定性)